Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic provides care for patients with diseases and pathologies of the oral and maxillofacial region. Types of servicesspecialist consultationsinvestigation and diagnosis of diseasessurgical manipulations and operations on an outpatient and day-case basis Price list ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY: Consultation by professor, head of the Clinic EUR 75 Consultation with explanation of diagnosis EUR 50 Oral cavity assessment for patients in acute admission EUR 18 Repeat consultation EUR 25 Tooth extractions from EUR 40 Tooth extraction by osteotomy from EUR 65 Extraction of retained teeth from EUR 150 Placement of dental implants (with implant price) EUR 420-1000 Surgical removal of soft tissue formations from EUR 70 Laser surgery from EUR 50 Ear plastic surgery from EUR 900* *under 18 years of age – EUR 500 Specialists Asoc.prof. Ilze Akota Ģirts Šalms Gatis Černovskis Asoc.prof. Egils Korņevs Ieva Bāgante Žans Griškjans Aleksejs Dons Andris Bīgestāns Natālija Grasmane Aleksandrs Grišuļonoks Anna Ivanova Lana Mičko Mārtiņš Lauskis Aleksandrs Ivanovs Julianna Muceniece Miks Lejnieks Vadims Kļimecs Jurijs Krasnovoļskis Viktors Stepanovs Artjoms Tupīts Jana Šveca Anna Pīlipa Antons Vostroilovs Irina Vasiļčenko Viktors Pimanovs Kristaps Arkliņš Ingus Arnolds Apse Džagriti Kakare Gunārs Lauskis Roberts Matulis Andrejs Oļesiks Elizabete Ribalkina Ilze Šalma Inguna Kurzemniece Edgars Sēja Valdis Skotelis Juris Svaža Iveta Vigupe Jānis Margevičus Anete Vaškevica